A Customers Journey: The Consideration Phase

In this second phase of the user journey, a potential customer has now become aware of your brand/company but is not yet ready to take action.  This user is in the consideration phase and still requires additional information in order to convert.  This information can vary from still needing to understand what your unique value propositions are or perhaps additional information on how you will solve their current need.

Content Messaging

Your content messaging should boil down to two important strategies, building trust and expressing how your value will solve their need.  In order to provide messaging that builds trust ensure your that your content is always on brand and is consistent.  Consistency is key when promoting your messaging through various channels so develop a content or marketing calendar to stay on target.  Make sure to test the schedule when you are first developing it for best engagement to maximize your ROI.  Although it may be subconscious to the user consistency to branding and posting schedules are trust signals as they demonstrate commitment and professionalism that lower anxiety in the inherent risk everyone feels when engaging with a new company.

Content Marketing

Once you content is created, you need to market that content as well.  Don’t assume, just because you wrote it that an audience will find it. Since we are discussing users in the consideration phase they have likely visited your website and/or other online properties such as social media or business listings so it will be important to re-engage them through those or new marketing channels.  This is important as users typically don’t convert on first visit so we need to market them in different ways to drive your message.  For your website, it is important to have various content types to drive micro conversions such as an email sign up or an exit survey to try and capture information about your user so that you can re-market to them.  Of course, depending on what campaign strategies you used to drive these users to your website you may  already have enough tracking enabled to do so already.  Any additional information and tracking however broadens your ability to adapt your tactics for optimal conversion and engagement.  Once you have picked your marketing tactics to re-engage a user  in the consideration phase such as SEM or Email Marketing, remember to personalize the messaging based on where they are at in this journey.  If properly done, this will drive users to the point of action stage of the user journey and convert.

Check out our next blog on how to get that click to the point of action and enhance your measurement strategy to properly track your conversions.